Natural Language Processing for Beginners
As you begin to read this, have you ever wondered what natural language is anyway? Why this field of AI, which has been growing in popularity in the last decade isn’t called just language processing? And What is not natural language then?
Using data for personalization and recommendations at scale in retail
Data collected in the retail and e-commerce industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. When blended with data analytics and machine learning, it is able to generate actionable insights for organizations to increase sales and save costs.
The State of AI Infrastructure 2021: Industry Report
Most research around the state of the AI industry talks about how the majority of initiatives are still immature and models rarely make it to production. To discover whether these pervasive ideas are still gospel in 2021, Run:AI commissioned a survey of more than 200 industry pros from 10.
The Future of Retail with Behavioral Data
Data-driven shopping experiences and higher customer expectations define the modern retail dynamics. As the industry becomes more competitive, retailers face the challenge of providing a meaningful and personalized buying experience.
The Role of Enterprise AI to Predict Content Performance and Trends
Artificial intelligence in the Enterprises is revolutionizing the way businesses operate. AI is being integrated into company operations with the goal of increasing efficiency and producing useful insights. It's often seen as a way for companies to have a competitive advantage in the market. This.
How to Bridge the Gender Gap in Tech
The gender gap in technology is not a recent phenomenon; it has been a significant and consistent challenge for companies in the industry. While the number of technical and data-related roles has increased in recent decades, the gender gap is still remaining constant.
Why we need more women in data science now
A BIG thank you to Amarita Natt, Sr. Economist at Econ One Research for writing this post and being part of DSSe, an initiative focused on elevating women in Data.
5 Job Hunting Tips for Female Data Scientists
Guest post by Mısra Turp, Business Owner at So you want to be a data scientist. Changing jobs is stressful. But it doesn’t have to be. By following some simple tips, you can make sure you are on the right track and will be happy in your new position.
Imposter Syndrome: if you can’t overcome it, use it!
It’s no news that the tech industry is far from being gender-balanced. According to research from recruiting firm Burtch Works, not even 1 out of 5 data professionals are women. What is even more worrying is that the industry is still predominantly represented by white males while women of color.
11 Communities for Women in Data Science to Join
Female-focused communities are a great place for women working in AI to meet, inspire, learn from each other and eventually work towards a more diverse tech industry.