Konrad Budek

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Exchanging Knowledge and Insights About AI and ML with DSS Community Events

Generative AI, synthetic data, language models in healthcare, AI in finance, and ML in the enterprise are among the most significant topics to be covered during the Data Science Salon community events.

250+ women in AI and Machine Learning to follow - Data Science Salon guide

Over the last decade, the Data Science Salon has been committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for sharing advancements in AI and ML. Along this journey, we have encountered numerous brilliant women who have made remarkable contributions to the field.

DSS NYC 2024 - where Finance meets AI and Machine Learning

With guests from S&P, Fitch Ratings, and Deutsche Bank, the upcoming Data Science Salon 2024 conference will encompass a plethora of finance-related topics, including credit risk, navigating bias in datasets, and applications of Large Language Models, among others.

A deep dive into LLMs practice - Convergence 2024

The Convergence 2024 conference explores practical applications of LLMs and similar technologies in everyday business operations and supporting business models. This year's lineup includes speakers and experts from top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, X/Twitter, and PayPal. The event aims to.

Knowledge Graphs and LLMs - tackling limitations with synergy

Jörg Schad, CTO at ArangoDB, illustrates how the fusion of Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs creates a potent synergy, bypassing the need for specialist teams to manage database queries and averting model hallucinations.

Data Science Salon Miami 2023 Experts guide to generative AI challenges

From security concerns to talent constraints, implementing generative AI in the company can be a challenging and troublesome process. This underscores the importance of expert guidance and access to knowledge as even more valuable assets.

Data Science Salon Miami 2023 Experts’ Guide to Generative AI in the Enterprise

From building balanced datasets and integrating human in the loop, speakers from the upcoming Data Science Salon Miami share their remarks and advice on implementing gen AI solutions in the enterprise.

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