Data Science Salon
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How to Bridge the Gender Gap in Tech
The gender gap in technology is not a recent phenomenon; it has been a significant and consistent challenge for companies in the industry. While the number of technical and data-related roles has increased in recent decades, the gender gap is still remaining constant.
Imposter Syndrome: if you can’t overcome it, use it!
It’s no news that the tech industry is far from being gender-balanced. According to research from recruiting firm Burtch Works, not even 1 out of 5 data professionals are women. What is even more worrying is that the industry is still predominantly represented by white males while women of color.
11 Communities for Women in Data Science to Join
Female-focused communities are a great place for women working in AI to meet, inspire, learn from each other and eventually work towards a more diverse tech industry.
The Power of Holistic ML for Business Growth
With the recent advancements in machine learning (ML), organizations can use algorithms to positively influence every stage of the business growth cycle - from customer acquisition, to activation, retention and referral.
Driving Innovation in Ecommerce with AI: Best Practices and Trends
Retail and eCommerce companies are embracing AI and machine learning (ML) technologies in order to gain valuable insights, automate marketing, forecast demand and much more.
How Stitch Fix uses AI to predict what style a customer will love
The days of walking miles up and down shopping streets to find an appropriate dress are long gone. Online services like Stitch Fix leverage data and algorithms to help customers find the clothes they love. Combining AI with the experience of expert stylists they can predict the style of shoppers.
How to Use Data and AI to Measure ESG Performance
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing is a great umbrella term to describe responsible investing (RI), a way to evaluate companies beyond financial factors. In other words, ESG is a way of measuring the impact of companies on the environment and society, thereby facilitating ethical.
Highlights and Takeaways from DSSVirtual at VBTransform 2021
DSSVirtual at Venture Beat’s Transform 2021 took place virtually on July 12th and featured nine data science experts who shared their strategies to improve the current state-of-the-art and the future of machine learning and data science in the enterprise.
Time Series Forecasting in Retail
Businesses frequently face the challenge of anticipating the future as accurately as possible when making operational, tactical, and strategic decisions. They want to know if their sales and expenses will increase or decrease in the future, if their stocks will last for several months, and so on..
Being Agile While Developing AI Products
Agile methodologies are widely deployed into application development for a number of reasons. Establishing this methodology can increase the overall “throughput” of model lifecycle management by streamlining end-to-end tasks, facilitating the use of talent pools, reducing time spent on mundane data.